Dust Control Misting

The Benefits of Dust Control Misting

Investing in dust control misting systems is not only the best thing you can do to protect your business, but it's also one of the smartest investments you can make. The benefits of dust control misting are endless. Visit dust control misting to read more.

Fog cannons

Designed to suppress airborne dust, fog cannons are a highly effective and convenient method of dealing with dust problems in various industries. They are especially useful in situations where traditional dust control measures cannot be applied.

There are several types of fog cannons available on the market. Some of them are self-powered, while others can be powered by a generator.

These units can be used in many industrial applications, such as mining, steel mills, and construction sites. They can be easily installed and moved around. They can also be programmed to handle wind conditions. They are easy to use, as they can be controlled via a remote control system.

The most powerful model of dust-suppression fog cannon is the V22. Its high power turbine ventilator, booster pump and long projection range make it ideal for use in large dust control projects.

Aero Mist

Using a misting system to reduce or eliminate dust is a good idea in many industries. This type of technology is not just a cost saver, it also helps prevent accidents, improve worker safety and ensure compliance with regulations. The best part is, it can be easily installed and used to provide the desired effect.

There are several dust control systems on the market today, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. While it's possible to choose the most appropriate system for a given application, it's important to understand the differences between the various models. Among other things, a misting system enables the user to select the precise amount of water and the appropriate flow rate. It can also nebulize the required amount of water and keep it in the air.


Whether you're a sculptor, set designer, or just a creative person, you can create stunning effects by using a MicronFog dust control misting system. This energy-efficient system uses tiny water droplets to suppress airborne dust without wetting the product.

These tiny droplets can be used both indoors and outdoors, and the system is highly efficient. It has been tested to produce fog droplets of less than 15 microns in size. The system is designed to work with a variety of applications, including dry bulk material loading, humidification, and cooling.

Unlike conventional fog systems, MicronFog is also energy-efficient. Instead of using air compressors, the system relies on small amounts of power to generate ultra-fine water droplets. It is perfect for removing dust from a variety of industrial processes.


Keeping your workers safe from dust and other harmful emissions is a vital part of your business. Having dust control equipment will protect your work environment and your valuable equipment. Whether you are in the construction or demolition industry, you can use BossTek's dust control misting equipment to keep your employees safe.

BossTek has created dust control misting equipment that delivers millions of fine atomized mist droplets that capture dust. The pressurized spray uses the force of wind to carry the droplets to the dust source. This means less labor is required to operate the equipment, and the water output is significantly reduced. This makes BossTek's systems efficient, effective, and cost-effective.

The DustBoss DB-M is a low-turbulence misting system that projects an umbrella-shaped cloud of atomized droplets. These droplets range from 50 to 200 microns, and are ideal for applications where fan-driven mist is not necessary.


Choosing the right misting system is important for many industries, and you'll find there are several options out there. Luckily, you can save water and improve the efficiency of your operation with the right one. You don't want a bulky misting system in your factory, so consider a small, lightweight solution.

The most effective misting system will produce a fine atomized mist that's suited to your operation. However, if you're in need of a more robust system, you can opt for a larger humidifier-like unit that's capable of capturing and retaining dust particles. This enables you to treat air around your materials and prevent blockages in your downstream materials handling process.

A high pressure system can also be used to control dust. It produces the most effective mist and is a boon to the manufacturing industry.

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